20 iulie 2012

Lista rușinii / Shame list

These eight guys decided Wednesday that copy-pasting 85 pages out of 320 makes a PhD thesis honorable enough not to be considered plagiarism. According to my understanding of their character, I would suggest you the following:

If you met them, in international conferences, my advice is to avoid avoid them. If you see their papers in academic journals, do not quote them, they might be faked. If you get a patent signed by them, do not buy it, it might do the opposite of what it pretend to do. If you meet them in person, please go on the other side of the street.

They call themselves the National Council for Ethics, and are called by their lovely prime-minister as:

Doru Vladimir Puscasu - works as CEPROCIM, is engineer of industrial chemistry, and has degrees, including PhD, from Polytechnic University of Timișoara

Nicolae Burnete - Technical University of Cluj, with a BA from the same university (agricultural mechanics). Strangely enough, there is no reference to PhD studies in his CV, but he claims to be a full professor.He was recently accused of plagiarism.

Petru Andea - Politehnic University of Timișoara, degree (BA) in electromechanics from the same institution, no reference to PhD studies in his CV, full professor.

Victor Stoica - "Carol Davila" Medical University Bucuresti (medical doctor, degrees from the the same university)

Horia Iovu - Politechnic University of Bucharest, chemistry engineering, PhD from the same university. He has a good academic record, and a decent Internet page

Florin Ionescu - Steinbeis-Transfer-Institut Dynamic Systems of Steinbeis-Hochschule Berlin, is almost invisible on the Internet! He has a PhD in engineering, possible from University of Konstanz, where is also doctor honoris causa

Paul Dobrescu - Scoala Nationala de Studii Politice si Administrative (sociologist, degrees in Philosophy from University of Bucharest), the second one with a decent internet page

Mihai Vladimirescu - University of Craiova - PhD in Theology from the same university, good LinkedIn profile**

Virgil Muraru - National Institute Of Research - Development for Machines and Installations Designed to Agriculture and Food Industry - INMA, PhD in engineering.

Later edit (21.07.2012, 18:54 Romanian time):
** There is no clear official news, but it seems that Mihai Vladimirescu resigned, leaving the National Council for Ethics just before the meeting which preceded the "clean Ponta decision". However, this news is not confirmed. In the Mediafax coverage from 13th of July, there is no mention to such resignment, although they say that two other members resigned: one invoked medical reasons, the other declined competence being from University of Bucharest. One comment to the news mentions that Mihai Vladimirescu would have been resigned as well. Evenimentul zilei make a note on 20th of July (that is after this post was published) saying that Mihai Vladimirescu might have been resigned, according to "same sources". I could not find any official statement on this, either released by the outrageous Council, by the Ministry of Education, or by Mihai Vladimirescu in person. A comment left to this post is the one that triggered my attention. If the news will prove true, I stand corrected, Mihai Vladimirescu did not participate to the "cleaning Ponta verdict". However, it is unclear why I could not find any declaration from him in the media??? (Let also note that, according to the StatCounter report, the bellow anonymous comment was done by a person from Craiova - the city of Mihai Vladimirescu, who entered the site after using Google to search for "mihai vladimirescu").

4 comentarii:

Anonim spunea...

De ce nu verificati si faptul ca un an alt membru al Consiliului National de Etica si-a dat demisia de mai mult timp? La ora actuala se stie faptul ca exista trei persoane demisionate din Consiliul National de Etica: Presedintele Petrescu, Prorectorul Iucu si profesorul Vladimirescu de la Craiova. Verificati va rugam cine a fost de fapt prezent la sedinta care a analizat cazul de plagiat al domnului Victor Ponta.

Anonim spunea...

De ce nu verificati si faptul ca un an alt membru al Consiliului National de Etica si-a dat demisia de mai mult timp? La ora actuala se stie faptul ca exista trei persoane demisionate din Consiliul National de Etica: Presedintele Petrescu, Prorectorul Iucu si profesorul Vladimirescu de la Craiova. Verificati va rugam cine a fost de fapt prezent la sedinta care a analizat cazul de plagiat al domnului Victor Ponta.

Bogdan Voicu spunea...

Am verificat, nu e nici un fel de știre verificabilă în acest sens. Poate ne puteți spune însă mai multe în acest sens? De unde știți că este adevărat și care este motivul declarat al demisiei?

Am făcut o precizare și în postare, dar atât timp cât nu există nicio confirmare, precauțiile sunt absolut necesare...

Bogdan Voicu spunea...

Rectific: poate o fi o știre verificabilă, dar nu am găsit-o eu...

Convorbire telefonică cu ... un hoț??

Sună telefonul, de pe un număr necunoscut, vizibil (adică nu este ascuns), iar o voce de bărbat mă angajează în următoarea convorbire: -  ...